Within the last few years, the physical therapy programs in Michigan have transitioned from a Master’s degree to a Doctorate level degree. This change was made in hopes of allowing physical therapist more autonomy in the medical field. In other words, by allowing direct access in Michigan, physical therapy services can be more accessible to the surrounding communities without reliance on physicians for referrals. Currently, there has been some success with this in Michigan. As of January 1st 2015, physical therapists are now allowed to evaluate patients without the need of a prescription or referral from a doctor. Unfortunately, some insurance companies are still requiring a referral before services will be reimbursed; and therefore, we are still limited in some circumstances. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) continues to work with legislators in hopes of improving the way the law is written so that there are no longer any loop holes preventing patients from being evaluated and treated under the use of their health insurance. Furthermore, with direct access available there may be an increased need for physical therapists. With that being said, below are a list of doctorate level physical therapy programs in the State of Michigan:
University of Michigan-Flint Grand Valley State University Central Michigan University Wayne State University Andrews University Oakland University
For those interested in physical therapy as a career or are curious as to what physical therapy looks like, Comprehensive Physical Therapy Center is a very friendly and welcoming environment. The company is a large supporter in regards to education, and the staff really enjoys having students come to job shadow. We welcome college students who are trying to full-fill volunteer hours for their application to a physical therapy program, as well as high school students who are Dying to make choices in regards to their career path. Comprehensive Physical Therapy Center is a company filled with several therapists who all have individual skill sets and talents that can allow a student to experience a variety of options within the outpatient physical therapy setting. For instance, we have physical therapists who are skilled in vestibular rehab, McKenzie therapy, pediatrics, concussions, biomechanical assessments, and sports medicine to name a few. If any of these sound interesting, or you are contemplating whether or not physical therapy might be the right career for you, come spend some time with a physical therapist and feel free to ask questions.
Ashley VanRees, PT @ our Three Mile Office
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