Add Life to years : World PT Day

{In recognition of World Physical Therapy Day, 09/08/16, its important to bring to light/re-
emphasize how physical therapy impacts locally, globally with this years theme of “Ada Ife to
years, and aging and heath. (1) can think of numerous ways in our socety we can
Contribute to ths, whether itbe outpatient, inpatient, SNF, home health settings. We asa
profession strive to help people move, to increase their qualty fle, whether it be helping
the athlete return to sport helping a patient transfer nto or out of bed helping a patient
ambulate safely after an accident, help manage physica disabilities related to malnutrition, or
‘manage wound healing after a home accident.

‘There are countless ways physical therapy plas an integral part in healthcare, whether it bein
‘a major metropolitan area orn the mast rural towns ina third world county. We help people
‘move, to return to activity, to Increase activity, whether the goal be to walk down the driveway
tocheck the mall safely ambulate in one’s home, improve independence wth ADLs, or return
to recreational ness activites. Improving one’s ability to move eads to increased
Independence, increased safety and increases the quality of lif. Our overall goal ofheping
people move does nat change wth the patient population we ae working with; but how we do

\We as a profession often think about fall prevention asthe most common theme when
Working wth the aging population, but the truth s we can do so much more to help impact
their quality of ife. But, toa certain extent, Is “age just a number? What about the 86 year old
‘nun who competes in rathlons (having already completed 45 and counting? 2). Would it
benefit her to tell her to stop? think not, one could argue that her continuing tobe active
keeps her healthy and able to partipate in something that many of us could only imagine
participating in. Being able to move better, wth les pa, with less fatigue, ges everyone the
‘opportunity to beter able do things they want to rather than simply having life pass them by.
We can use our resourcefuiness and creaivy to provide care beyond borders, beyond cultural
‘and generational barriers, impacting healthcare locally and globally, using the varety of.
concepts, approaches, treatment methods, resources that are part of providing physical
therapy services no matter what or where the need.

‘Does overall health improve because of movement? Does movement prevent overall health
from decining ata rapid pace? Yes and yes. One cannot expect to move beter one does not
‘move at al Alin al, movement impacts health no matter the age, gender, culture, or
‘occupation; we as physical therapists play an important role with each ofthe patents we treat.

Mart Alderink, DPT @ our Holland Clinic

Cations courtesy of:
1 hetpuon wept org wptday-take-part

  1. http:wwnumsn.comJen-us/healtfitness/meet-the-ron-nun-86:year-old:riathlon-